
By Legacy


I can't help it.  This little creature (would somebody please tell me if it's a male or female) absolutely fascinates me.  I've never had much of an opportunity to study hummie behavior so I have know idea what is going on with him/her.

This morning about 6:30 Lizzie woke me with her "I'm near death from starvation", squall so I got up and gave her the first course of her multi-course breakfast.  I looked out the window to a grey, slightly snowy, not-quite-light morning and who should I see at his/her post but the Enforcer guarding the spot where the hummie feeder should be.  Since it freezes I bring it in at night so even though there was no feeder to guard this staunch, dedicated little soul wasn't taking any chances at all.  There he/she sat, guarding empty space which I quickly filled up with the feeder.  And, he/she sat there nearly all day, taking a break now and then to have a snack and chase off anything that came close.  

Believe me, the contrast between yesterday's eagle quest and this hummie experience has me in awe of the bird world.  What amazing creatures they are, big or small.  

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