
By Legacy

"Salmon Dinner For Two, Please.....

.....and we'd like a table by the water.  Could you ask the gull not to sit so close?"

My blip buddy Mary Jo and I got up at an ungodly (for us) hour to head up the mountain to the Nooksack River where the eagles gather this time of year to feed on salmon.  We've done it several times before but it's usually a hit or miss situation depending on the cooperation of the eagles to be where we think they should be.  This time we had a spy who called Mary Jo to tell her exactly where to find the action.   We found our spy and the eagles and we spent an hour in freezing weather (about 25 degrees) but managed to get some decent shots before the crowds arrived.  Eagle feeding time is a very popular event with a lot of photographers so it can get crowded at the river.  We were lucky, thanks to our spy who himself is a professional photographer with spectacular eagle shots to his credit, and his inside information.   He'd been on the river since 7AM.  We made it about an hour before we started to lose feeling in our hands, despite good gloves and hand warmers.  Bitter cold here, with more snow expected.  As usual though, it was a wonderful outing with my blip buddy.  We've endured the cold, slogged through marshes and driven many miles in pursuit of the perfect blip and we always have fun.  Thanks Mary Jo!

Enforcer update: he's still sitting by his feeder and will probably be there all day.  Bless his little hummie heart, which is probably about the size of a grain of rice, but his commitment and dedication is huge.

Extras are a couple more eagle shots and one of Mary Jo with our "spy".

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