
By Tudorbee


Taking a different route home and came across a statue of John Middleton, know as the Childe of Hale. Middleton was born in 1578 died 1623. He was reportedly 9ft 3in tall and became James l wresting champion at the royal court. His life size portrait hangs at Speke Hall in the Great Hall. His history is quite sad and worth a read. He is buried in Hale Churchyard with an epitaph "Here lyeth the bodie of John Middleton the Childe of Hale. 9 Feet three. Born 1578 dyed 1623". The bronze statue 3m tall replaces a carved wooden tree trunk removed by the council in 2011. It was made by local sculpture Diane Gorvin. Most locals who visit Speke are well versed in the story of "the Giant of Hale"

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