Tied Up For Christmas

A fairly dark, dull and wet start to the day.  It did dry up, and a bit brighter.  There's been the odd shower tonight, but overall not bad.

A had a good night out with friends, so it was a lazy start to the day.  I finally got going, and made it out with Sammy.  I made it to Lerwick in the late morning, got in Christmas supplies and a bit of shopping, and a stroll along the street.  I had visitors on my return, made a cuppa and had a yarn.  It's been a fairly lazy evening, mixed with movies and walkies.  

I went for a walk down to the pier with Sammy, and it looked busy from the distance.  Plenty of fishing boats about, but hardly a soul about.  Most of the fishing boats have fished for the year, and tied up for Christmas, well deserved break.  I passed again tonight, and they looked great with their Christmas lights on :)  Taken at Blacksness pier, Scalloway.  

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