Looking Down Law Lane

A dark dull morning, and felt like it stayed that way for most of the day.  It's been raining this evening. 

I've been working in the museum office this morning.  There's been plenty more photo orders to get through, I'm getting through the Christmas demand quickly :)  I helped out with setting up the for tomorrow.  Bells Brae school choir will be coming in, and also traditional music in the boat hall tonight.  It's been a quiet evening at home, mixed with some walkies, and then might try a couple of pints later.

I had to head into town to pick up orders this morning, I went via Hillhead, and then came back along Da Street.  As I came down Law Lane, it was a peerie bit brighter, but still not really much of a photo day.  So I've made it black and white, which helped :)  Taken in Law Lane, Lerwick. 

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