Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Last of the Light

I was minded to get out to take some pictures today, but ...

I spent far too long with a piece of birch, bigger than a twig but smaller than a branch, trying to transform it into one of those elegant decorative features that I see in magazines, shops, other people's houses. 

It doesn't look too bad, now that I've moored it to the window frame to stop it listing pathetically. 

It was late in the day when I set off, and I was on a mission to find a panettone, so I could make a fancy bread-and-butter pudding tomorrow. At the shop, I was distracted by the half-price Christmas decorations and came home with a couple of candle holders (no panettone!) 

By the time I came out it was nearly dark, and  it was now or never. A cold sky.

Now I have to think of an alternative pudding for our guests tomorrow.

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