Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Tinsel Time

We're not doing a big Christmas this year - all the offspring are celebrating with the families of their in-laws. So a scaled-down version of house decoration has been on-going today.

In the attic we found quite a few bits and pieces we'd forgotten we had. Like this table centre which I made last year. It got liberally covered in candle-grease, but otherwise it has survived ok.

Once the 'tree' (not the real thing) was up and lit, I got out the presents to put under it. That was when I discovered that we still had a bagful from the London family that should have been left with the Yorkshire lot. Consternation, till TM remembered he has to go to Leeds on Monday and can deliver them on his way back.

But there's no way of avoiding having to own up to it. They'll all be shaking their heads and asking each other ' Do you think they're starting to lose the plot?'  

I think I'm definitely sure that we're not?


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