Fay's Photo Challenge

By Faylm

Dancing Shoes

Today's theme is: Fun

Hmmmmm, this is kinda hard, although I'm not sure if it is hard or if I'm making it hard.
When I first read the theme, I was like what on earth do I do...I can't remember the last time I did anything that made me say 'That was fun'

There are lots of things I enjoy, things I enjoy a lot, like reading, baking cakes, doing jigsaws, taking photos...but not a lot I think would fit into the fun category. Unless I'm overthinking it and just taking the fun out of it.

Fun is different to enjoyable in some ways I think. Fun for me makes me think of laughter, brightness, sometimes silliness, not just simply the absence of not doing it for work.
I then ended up wondering if I was a sad boring person because I don't have much fun in my life :(

So I looked up a definition of fun in the dictionary, just in case I was wrong with the meaning
According to my Oxford Concise dictionary the definition of fun is:
1. light-hearted pleasure or amusement
2. a source of this
3. playfulness or good humour

So I thought and I thought. I even woke up thinking about what I could possibly take a photo of. I kept having the feeling that it should be something bright and colourful, that when someone looks at the photo they would think 'that looks like fun'

When I think of fun, what does come to mind is music and in particular dancing to music.
I really enjoy dancing, any kind of dancing actually, it's good fun. So there you go, there's what fun is to me! DANCING!

When I was little, most Sunday afternoons involved visiting my grandparents for Sunday dinner and afterwards me, my mum and my granny would dance in the front room to whatever 80s tunes there was at the time.

When I was 8 - 10 I went to dancing classes...I went to majorettes. I loved this and I was good at it too...I got the highest percentage score for one of my first exams, I stood right at the front of the line when we performed in a concert. I practised and practised and practised and practised some more. (Only stopped when my parents split)

When I was 17 and left home and moved to the big city, I danced at nightclubs. I love a good boogie and hate folk who say they won't/can't dance until they are drunk enough...just get up and do it..no one cares what you look like or even that you can't dance..just stand in the corner and bob up and down if you want! much better than sitting nursing a drink.

And then about 3 years ago, I started tap dancing classes. Tap dancing was something I had always wanted to do.
So I went to tap for about 2 years and absolutely LOVED it! It was fun to learn the steps, fun to try and attempt the steps and I made a couple of friends with whom I laughed with when we couldn't get our feet to do what our brains were telling them to do, and even then sometimes the brain just didn't know either :D.

Unfortunately I have had to hang up my tap shoes for now. Two friends stopped going, one moved away altogether and you know sometimes things aren't as fun if your friends aren't there.
But the main reason is that I dislocated my knee last August and that put paid to any kind of walking never mind dancing for a good 4 months. I did try going back to a beginners class at the beginning of the year but it was too slow and too easy. I then attempted to go to the next level up class and ended up in so much pain and driving all the way home in tears because it was just too fast and my knee and hip couldn't cope :(

Now I think I need to wait a long enough time that beginners isn't too easy for me before I can go back. But I hope to and then I can get weekly fun in my life :)

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