Something in the air?

The white stuff is new sno but The Boss was showing folk through the house today and gave them keys and I can smell passports on his desk so I am deeply suspicious.
I LOVE going to THC (Tussocks Holiday Camp) so tomoro will tell I think. The new folk didn’t seem very doggie so I am putting 2 and 2 together and remembering that dogs are terrible at math I think we are getting house guests and The “B's” are going elsewhere. I would have a word to Tiny to see if she knos anything but I can’t reach her on the Boss’s cameras pak on his bench and we only converse nose to nose so to bark… 

This is the mountain range at the head of the lake and sno is not unheard of at this time and especially with the weather we are having at the moment so The Boss’s bare knees suffered a bit this morning before things warmed up a bit.

Pawscript...Hey Barking thanks for putting us in the first page of popular. He feels much better about those biddy things he got his socks riddled with while fighting through bushes now.


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