Leaving on a Jet Plane

AND thank goodness for THAT as the weather at the moment does not enhance the experience on an ATR…(prop job).

There was a poignant farewell at THC. Big T took one look at the reception lady and threw herself at her lead, departing without a glance at The Boss. It appears that all her friends are there too and she is having a summer cut tomoro. It is rumoured to get hot sometime.

I am not actually leaving till tomoro. The Boss thought I looked like I was flying but I am firmly attached to his camera pak AND my SanFrancisco crissy hat too.

The Bosses would be proud as The Boss is running around cleaning in a semi dressed state while his current gear is having a quick shower and even quicker repartee with the ironing lady. (well only the bit that shows) so we are going for a new record at 14.3 seconds. Real Blokes don’t iron T shirts either but I have not ventured to ask Tim about this. He is probably too busy explaining why they have run out of iPad Pros pre Christmas.

Ok Gotta go I can hear beeping noises. 
Probably the ironing lady.


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