Have you been naughty or nice?

Thank you for all your suggestions for a rhyme with little prick in my NHSBT song....I shall try to incorporate them all ha ha ha ha...well most.....okay, some.....

I had a lovely, long lie in this morning. I didn't get dressed until the afternoon, because I know how to live it up...lol. Then a walk before going to Bents Garden Centre with Pat...she was rather excited to meet the big man in red and tried to convince him she'd been good....ha ha ha ha.  A little mooch, a cuppa and a cheeky piece of rocky road. Then an evening of just doing nothing. 

Tomorrow is the Last Film Star Friday!!!! It is time for a little break, but we can start it up again some time next year. So anyone who fancies joining in the last one just tag it FSF24...and let's go out with a bang! (I have no ideas yet, but hopefully I will think of something)

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