Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

778. 18/100....Family Christmas Portraits

Visitors today to help us put up our Christmas tree...well apart from Arron demolishing most of the baubles by pulling out the strings to hang them with....once he'd done one he decided that all of them needed to go on the tree without the actual bauble bit!

I decided to try and take a couple of portraits but most of the images were out of focus because the wee man just couldn't sit still and if he did then someone else in the photo moved or closed their eyes!

It isn't easy to take photos of him with everyone else as he naturally wants to mess about...but then he's only 18 months old so sitting still isn't in his job description!

I also discovered today to my utter dismay that when I sold my GX7 a few months ago I managed to send the buyer the wrong charger and my spare GX8 battery as I seem to have the GX7 charger and another spare GX7 battery still here so I'm guessing the buyer hasn't tried to charge the battery yet...I've emailed him and hope that he will send me back my GX8 charger and spare battery and I will then post him the correct one for his camera....if not then it's going to get expensive to replace them and I can't do anything with the GX8 now until I do....bummer!

Apart from that today has been lovely...it was such fun putting up the tree with the kids and it all looks rather nice now.....

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