Life Dancing

By lifedancing


'lets make honey, honey'

Today's Blip was going to be the of the sign for the Paralympics being installed on the mound.
Then surprise visitors dropped by and being such a beautiful evening we headed to a park, previously unknown to me.

At the entrance, is a lovely stream and as we crossed the bridge, I spotted a bird on the water. I didn't recognise it and grabbed the camera.
Only managed a couple of shots before it flew upstream.
'The others' suggested it had been...
a Pigeon, Gull and even a young Magpie (before it's colours had matured)

(Had I been alone, I'd have trailed it - but when you haven't seen people for a while, Blip mania has to be curtailed...!)
We had a glorious stroll through the park gardens - the wild garden, particularly was stunning, choc a bloc with colour and variety.

The sunflowers were on the wane but still attracting plenty of Bees.

Shot my socks off - to the amusement of my compadres...but have run out of space on Blip folios for the moment.

It was a late night as we went on to dinner and more festivaling.

Stayed up in the wee small hours trying to identify the bird from the photos - none of which came out well enough to blip...
Eventually, I discovered it was a Dipper.

writing this on 21st Aug - as it's a backblip - when I came on to Blip today to upload, I first opened a Blip in the main panel....AND GUESS WHAT.... Blipping incredible! no?

I'd thought the white eyelid was a flaw in my foto !
The Dipper I spotted was more greyish in colour.

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