Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze


Still not unpacked yet as there were things that had to take priority. For me it was getting the end of course reports done and dusted. My natural inclination is to unpack first, get organised etc, but not this time as the school sends them out quite quickly after the end of the course and so I had to do them. We went up to Sarria tonight with the intention of going to Casa Joana got dinner, but it was shut! We'd forgotten it might be with public holidays this week on the 6th and 8th. Anyway, we went to another old favourite instead, OK Sarria, a place that hasn't changed in the 25 years we've known it and specialises in chilli and hamburgers. Good as ever! Bb had chilli and I had the hamburger.

We lived in Sarria for 5 years and still love going back - it's just a 25 min walk from where we live now. It's much trendier than it was when we lived here, but still has a village feel to it.

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