Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Kitty snuggles....

My blip tonight is my wee pal Felix curled up on my lap, using my stomach as a pillow! And my outrageously pink checky pj's....

Today has been one of those terrible days before christmas when your mum realises she still has stuff to get in town and you have to go with her! No one should have to go anywhere near a city centre in the week before christmas - you might think that Inverness wouldn't be as bad as some of the bigger cities but you'd be very wrong! Apart from anything else it takes at least half an hour of queueing just to get across the Kessock bridge never mind into into one of the car parks. As its the only major shopping centre in the highlands and islands its pretty busy. Had to have a big sleep when I got in just to recover enough to eat dinner!
We're doing it all again tomorrow. Sigh.

On the up side both my brother and sister arrive today. Clark is already here and Claire is just about to arrive. I give them about 10 minutes before some massive family fight breaks out.....but its still cool to have everyone together for crimbo :O) and lovely to see them. Xx

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