This arrangement, put in place last Christmas, has remained all year. And now it's back in fashion.
Way more of the day than should have been necessary was spent sorting out utilities for the flat in London; though somehow I wasn't allowed to register to pay a water bill without our landlord's phone number (which I don't have) which seemed so illogical that I'm going to ignore it for a while.
The bits of the day not spent on that were spent painting the kitchen and various scruffy bits of other rooms. Far too little time left over to enjoy the sunshine. Maybe tomorrow.
TallGirl seems irked by something at the mo. Hopefully she'll work it out or open up without too much prying. CarbBoy is irked by my correcting his pronunciation of hijo (and was unconvinced by my insisting I learned it on Blackadder, series two, so it must be right). Happily it is a written test he's revising for, so it shouldn't matter.
And my phone is finally switched. So only 10 weeks then. Bravo Orange...
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