
Went to pick some petit bois with the girls this morning and then headed to Condorcet for their Christmas market. It was an indoor affair and really reminded me of a similar-type event from home; lots of crafty/foodie stalls and there was even a lady selling Christmas puddings! Her husband is English and had just been on a trip back to the UK and brought some Tesco puds back with him! I bought one and I'm not sure it'll make it to Christmas Day! :) There was also a stall with lots of older ladies selling their own, homemade wreaths and Christmas decorations which were gorgeous! I bought a wreath to put up on our front door and it was only 8 euros.

Got home and had raclette with the girls and dad. It turned out really well and then we had some Victoria Sponge for pud (we resisted cracking open the Christmas pud!!).

Caroline came to get the girls around 6pm and then Pierre set off for work at 8.15pm after a quick, light dinner.

Dad also put our Christmas tree in a pot today and once the girls had left I thought I'd decorate it. No chance as I don't have any decorations! haha. This time last year I was in Edinburgh so hadn't remembered that two years ago I'd brought my decs to mum's house to keep there. I think anyway! Gonna have to go on a decorations hunt as I don't want to have to buy any. We're not even gonna be at our own house for Christmas this year as we'll be in Marseille; still nice to get the tree up though :) And the wreath looks great on the front door!

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