Going Solo

You have to admire the fortitude of a little vinca flower to bloom when it finds itself on its own in a dank cold December day.
The day didn't start off so cold and dank, there was sunshine as we walked to the portrait gallery.
On the way, His Lordship bought me a bottle of Edinburgh Gin's Elderflower Liqueur. I think he seeks to inebriate me as a way of keeping me docile. I am not complaining.

Having resisted temptation recently to indulge in a mince pie, knowing that there can be nothing more cholesterol enhancing, I fell foul at the first hurdle today and found a tasty one slipping over very nicely before I realised how much I was going to regret it later.

With the sunshine still on offer we walked back home through throngs of shoppers, carefully avoiding the impassable Christmas Market but nevertheless getting caught up in the toe rubbing, nose rubbing nonsense that attracts swathes of tourists round the statues of David Hume and Greyfriar's Bobby.

Now that it has turned dark and damp we are about to brighten the afternoon with a visit to a local restaurant to tell them our choices for the pre Christmas meal with David77 and Luca. They need to know for the ordering amounts game.
Once there, a beer for HL will help allay any stress he is feeling about Christmas preparations.

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