Cold Start

Woke up to a hard frost this morning and on taking out the poop trays from the coop found they had frozen poo and even the poo on the perches was frozen! My poor chickens! Thought the new coop was supposed to keep them warm - I  can only imagine them all huddling together  in the nesting area to keep themselves warm! I will have to insulate it for them!
I had to rush from the allotment and go straight to Friends as the youngest was going out for a 5 hour walk on Dartmoor! Once I had given Friend breakfast and she had taken her tablets and fell asleep i rushed home - took off the stinky allotment clothes, hung some washing on the line and gathered my stuff!  Luckily I was back to take an unexpected  delivery of an arm grab rail to assist Friend in getting herself out of bed. Even luckier another friend was walking by with her dog and came up to the door for a chat - being an OT she was able to put the guard together and explain how it was inserted under the mattress.   By the time I had unloaded and loaded the dishwasher, unloaded the dryer and cleaned the toilet  Homeopathic friend arrived to take over! We had a chat whilst Friend slept so I  didn't leave till gone 1! 
Tomorrow a group of us are going to see I, Daniel Blake in Plymouth - I thought it was by Mike Leigh so would be hard hitting with some humour, but no, it's by ken Loach so no doubt will be unremittingly grim and depressing. As we would be cutting it fine to eat we were all pre-ordering at the Vegan/vegetarian restaurant of vegan Jo's choice. Well - their site called themselves " The South West’s most innovative vegan cuisine!" I beg to disagree! Everything bar a few Pizza's and squash fritters were meat themed! Seitan or tempeh steak, soya based chicken drumsticks, duck and prawn! Seriously! When there are so many fab dishes to make from vegetables and beans why make fake meat? Who wants to eat something resembling meat if they have sworn off it? 
So I can't say I am looking forward to tomorrow night - chatting to Party Girl and asking her to remind me why we were going to see a depressing film and have a meal of fake meat, she said for the excellent company! That at least better be! 

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