Sick Chickens Part 3

Well today was virtually all about the chickens - my two favourites Dotty and Estelle. I checked Estelle and although her crop had gone down way from what it was on saturday I still wasn't sure she was right, so I left her at home and went to open the coop on the allotment. I grabbed Dotty off the perch and gave her the second injection. I was a little alarmed she squawked as I injected her - she hadn't done that when the vet did it, and I was worried if I had not inserted it at the right point. I kept my eye on her as i did the food and realised she had hidden herself under the outside awning. As I cleaned the coop I saw her go under the bramble bushes with some of the other girls and hoped she was coming round from the shock of the injection. When the wind picked up and the rain started all the girls went under the awning, and I gave them some corn. Now Dotty usually flies up onto the bin as soon as the lid is off - not today, and although she bent down to the corn she did not actually eat any and I knew she was covering her fragility from the other girls - they will pick on a weak member of the coop. So I scooped her up and took her home. She was wheezing and immobile and stayed  sitting on the passenger seat as I drove home, and just sat in the cat basket once in the kitchen. I left her and went and checked on Estelle - she was still bright and active and mooched round the kitchen happily, but I just wasn't sure her crop was empty as it should be, so phoned the vets for an appointment.
Friend came down for elevenses and Estelle sat and preened herself and did other chickeny things like pooping! After we had eaten and discussed violence in films and female role models in the music and film world, Estelle went back in her cage and it was Tilly's turn for a bit of freedom! 
Finally it was vet time! Estelle was declared fine and she could be given food! If her pooping did not go back to it's usual consistency then worming was the next approach, maybe she was packed with worms which was filling her up and meaning food could not pass through her system.
Back to Dotty - I took her out the basket and syringed water,yogurt and immunity drops down her beak. She was having difficulty breathing and her beak was wide open. I still suspected she had a throat worm, so checked what I had in the way of worming and luckily had an oral one which I also syringed down her, I then did the same for Estelle just in case! Having eaten her crop was again huge, far bigger than the amount of food she had eaten should have made it. I had left the vets happy  but surprised, and I  didn't really believe the vet knew that much about chickens so was uneasy in the back of my mind. I think it is filling with fluid and air again so  having  covered both their cages for their nighttime sleep it is a case of hoping their rest  will see them both at least a little better in the morning.
Time for me to eat so I made a non-meat roast with yorkshire puddings and chestnut and pinenut stuffing and poured myself a big glass of gin! Tomorrow will be another day of opening the allotment girls as Colourful Mai is in Budapest on a climate protest! Then it will be another day of anxiously watching, listening to and feeling Dotty and Estelle. Maybe if they are both looking better I will feel in the mood for going out and buying a christmas tree as I had planned to  with Friend today.  

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