
I am trying to be rigorous in dictating up my notes immediately after my sessions are over. The longer I leave it the harder it is to decipher my scribbles and the more oppressive the backlog becomes . . . I am five sessions through a total of six in these three days and I have sometimes carried that number into a weekend like a ton of concrete hung around my neck. The only thing worse is letting my back log of blip commenting build up to such an extent that to go back through every one of the journals of my dear friends I follow normally assiduously appears like a mountain range to climb! So a renewed approach to ensure I comment regularly is something I want to implement asap but with all the movements I've done in the last days and more to come I've discovered the will is there but the body somewhat behind. Now if they had wifi on every flight it would be a different story!

The curious may notice the strange mix of English and Spanish in these notes. It wasn't a coaching session as such but a mock interview I conducted in Spanish (from my English cheat sheet of questions) while noting my observations in English and quoting some actual words in Spanish uttered by my client as place markers to help us remember in the debrief the passage we were in. Confused? So was my brain!

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