Nativity Scene

First time I can recall seeing one in the grounds of the school. The day got off to an adrenaline-boosted start as my coffee, croissant and orange juice was set down on a table at our local cafeteria and I opened my emails at 07:40 am. The first email reminded me that my coaching session was due to start at 07:45 am up the top of the town. I thought it was due to start at 08:15 am. I couldn't risk the several minutes it would take to locate the email and spreadsheet with the details in it to confirm who was right and who was wrong and simply had to run out leaving a tenner and my untouched goodies on the table to jump into the first cab I saw. My heart was thumping as I scrolled through the unduly complicated email system of the latest iPad operating system and eventually located the email and spreadsheet which revealed I had been right all along. At least my client got a very awake coach but someone owes me a breakfast!

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