Magnificent Mont Blanc
A very lazy start to the day - with the shutters closed and no pooch asking to be let out it was mid morning when we awoke, unheard of since we were students.
A few errands and emails were followed up with lunch outside in the sun - total joy. Then it was a quick change into walking boots and a nice little amble along the forestry tracks and pistes that criss cross Mont d'Arbois. When we weren't in the sun it was sharply cold, but from here there are spectacular mountains to be glimpsed in every direction - the Aravis to the North, yesterday's Rochers des Fiz to the East, but dominating all to the South, and always drawing the eye, today's blip, the roof of Europe.
The eagle eyed (or familiar with the mountain) amongst you may well be able to spot the Goûter Refuge and the arrow straight Tramway du Mont Blanc - and if you look close you can see the headwalls of many avalanches that this sudden warm spell has brought.
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