MeriRand & the NW Passage

By randra

The Old and Rare

If you've been wondering about my week long hiatus, be not afraid! I've taken pictures every day, I've just not had time to sleep, let alone post. As testament to that, I slept 12 hours last night until Dad knocked on the door around 11 saying "are you still alive?" SISE was an amazing experience, from which I will be recovering and in which I will be reveling for quite some time. More on that when I have energy (because I am once again quite tired).

I was fortunate enough today to answer the phone as my brother was about to pass through town, so we got to see him! And as celebration for... being alive?... we sipped on the "fancy whiskey" in Dad's store, a 31 year old "Old and Rare" that my sister bought for Mom and Dad for their anniversary. And it was tasty- a bit rough and burning, but still smooth and rich in flavor. We followed up an afternoon of vegetable picking, rain avoiding, reading, and chatting with a steak dinner at Grandma's and some 500 Rummy afterward. And now, it is time to sleep again.. perhaps another 12 hours!

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