This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today I woke up early, chatted to Stewart and then fell back asleep to be wrapped up and carried away by dreams for another hour or two. (thanks to the voodoo on my headphones which I listened to twice this morning) Then it was up for yoga and breakfast and then another visit with Stewart. Then there was a skype chat with my brother Sean and then a google hangout with both my brothers, Ben and Sean and their wives. It was a fun time just being silly. Technology is amazing. I also managed to go grocery shopping which was strangely satisfying. Then laundry, cleaning, blah blah more chatting with Stewart.. let's not forget taking out the trash and recycling. Oh man is my journal getting dull...

Then there was an evening walk and the jesus rays were in full effect. I also watched a special report on Van Gogh how he might not have killed himself but instead might have been "accidentally" shot by some boys.

So, that was today's nuts and bolts. Here I am having a cup of tea before sleep. The bugs are singing so sweetly and tomorrow is a new day.

****and right before bed, someone bought a complete set of the manual for living from my etsy shop!!!**** (my dreams will be much sweeter now)

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