This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

She shoots! She scores!

in the kitchen at least...

I didn't really want to cook, but somehow I made an aubergine, portobello and red onion quiche with tofu topped with tomatoes and corn tortillas for the crust...

vegan, wheat & gluten free... oh yeah... and so tasty.

In other news, I woke up early even though I went to sleep around 1 am. I started my day with some relaxation guru talk on my headphones and some yoga. I cleaned my house and made this lunch and talked to Stewart and also accepted a request to make some pillows for a friend with my hello kitty sewing machine. I can't sew very well but I figured the only way to get better is to take on a project. These pillows will be pretty cool if it all works out.

It is grey and cool and I am grateful for that.

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