The Location of a Leaf

Mae'r tywydd gaeaf hyfryd yn parhau. Es i am dro dros amser cinio ac roedd e'n amhosibl anwybyddu deilen goleuo gan  yr haul isel.

Ar hyn o bryd rydw i'n hudo gan 'What3words. Maen nhw wedi mapio'r byd yn sgwariau 3 medr, a pob sgwâr yn cael cyfeiriad tri gair. Os dych chi eisiau, dych chi'n gallu rhoi cyfeiriad i un rhywbeth.  Roedd y ddeilen ar  'pure.stick.drums' - . Dydy e ddim llawer o help gyda deilen, wrth gwrs, ond gyda choeden, er enghraifft, y gallai fe bod eithaf defnyddiol.

The beautiful winter weather continues. I went for a walk at lunchtime and it was impossible to ignore a leaf illuminated by the low sun.

At the moment I'm fascinated by 'What3words'. They've mapped the world in 3 meter squares, and each square has a three word address. If you want, are you can to give an address to anything. The leaf was at  'pure.stick.drums' - . It  is not much help with leaf, of course, but with a tree, for example, that it could quite useful.

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