Squirrel Nutkin demands equal time...

Dear Diary,

It  is only fair that I show Squirrel Nutkin today.  With Rudy and Gaylord hogging the limelight; it is only right.  I can easily tell this is Squirrel Nutkin because his tail isn't quite as bushy and he has some bare patches on his back from some altercation or another.  I noticed today that the patches are beginning to fill in a bit so it will more difficult to tell them apart but I think I will be able to, I know them so well.

I haven't seen Jimmy this fall.  He was here last spring with his overly large nose and Philomena made an unexpected appearance yesterday before I left for my cousin's house.  The warmish temperature drew her out for another seed forage.

Good to be home with my little ones and Emerson was quite happy to see me too! 

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