Puppy Love!

Went for a walk with my friend The Angel and met this little beauty called Abi! My heart melted! The Angel chatted to the owner whom she knew and I just played with Abi who gently nibbled my fingers! The older retriever who was on the other side of the gate came in for a cuddle and Connie, The Angels dog, greeted Abi! I was in dog heaven! The puppy tackled the brush, ran around with an empty cream pot and generally acted adorably! The thought of getting a dog came into my head once more but I know I'm not really up to the commitment and responsibility one would bring - hopefully one day I will be again.
We walked on up into Cotehele and luckily between us we had enough small change for a cup of tea and a toasted teacake each which we ate in the garden! We then retraced our steps home - a very lovely 3 hour walk and chat - just my kind of sociable! 

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