Xmas fayre

It was the Xmas fayre at C's school today and we had a great time exploring it.

Love this one of C & R sitting at one of the craft tables colouring ceramic stars for the tree. R thought she had joined C at school and was in her element.

C enjoyed looking after his spends from Grandma in his wallet, although after winning 2 sweet/choc cones on the tombola and buying a light up wand amongst many other things he still seemed to have plenty left. I think he's good at encouraging us to pay and saving his!

I was pleased to see my coffee and walnut cake on the cake stall sold out :-) We sampled a few more goodies, C got a glitter tattoo that he is now guarding from water with his life and we headed home.

Well I headed to the hairdresser for some peace and quiet and it was lovely!!

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