Back in our own bed, on the back of the house away from children, traffic and neighbours, and with the morning light firmly blocked out with the shutters, we had a long lie in this morning. Much needed too. Mr B had to get up for a business call, but I dozed on. Meaning that one cup of tea later... the morning was pretty much gone.
With Mr B's call postponed until evening, there was lunch, and then some sorting out of technical issues in getting photos between computers in a streamlined way. Of course that ended up taking up most of the time that could have been spent backblipping... Happily, it was slightly cloudier today, keeping the heat of the day off until later, so I could take out my frustration on the garden, pulling out dead annuals and having a bit of a tidy. Later, with temperatures back up to 40 degrees, there was no escape from the kids (including neighbour) screaming in the front room.
Dinner time brought some hopefully good news for Mr B, though in a rather confusing, disorganised way which means celebration is muted and provisional. But then a short burst of time photographing butterflies in the garden, and a long chat with my neighbour means it feels like a happy evening. I have a new approach to talking to neighbours: I just can't be bothered to stress any more about tenses and gender of nouns; so I'm just going to say a bunch of words, hope my mood is clear from gesture, and let them build a sentence that makes sense to them. Seems to be working so far.
Now Mr B is waiting with an episode of Gardeners' World to watch. Happy days.
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