She's back!

Asha has finally and most definitely turned a corner! Last night was the first in a week that I didn't have to give her medecine in the middle of the night! Woohoo! She woke up fever-less and has remained that way all day! Grateful grateful grateful!
We had a relaxed day in readiness for the party this evening! Made a delicious lunch of fresh baguette topped with avocado, chopped onion & garlic, boiled egg & black pepper, tossed in natural yoghurt - seriously tasty. 
Then onto the party which Asha loved...I should have blipped the birthday boy, Jose...but I loved how happy & healthy Asha looked here...though she's still tired. 
An end of an era kind of day with the passing of Fidel of the best books I ever read was My Life: A Spoken Autobiography by Castro & Ignacio Ramonet...written from 100 hours of recorded interview...utterly fascinating...I highly recommend it. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A healthy Asha!
2) Spending more time with the school parents...good to have more time to chat & get to know some of them.
3) That delicious lunch.

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