Sunday Sunset

I struggled to know what to blip today, so there are a few shots in Flickr...
Each time I was up with Nate in the night my head was pounding...but by mid morning the pain had gone and I was just left with a 'headache hangover'. We headed to our 24-7 church...I've added a shot of Antonio & Nate into Flickr! Toni doesn't even believe God exists, but he loves coming to church & being with everyone...and he's very good with Nate!
We ended up going to Dave & Liz's new place for lunch...oh my what a gorgeous place!!!! This is where I have to really practice being grateful for what I have, because I could so easily want what others have.
We headed off to watch the sets so early these days. We were treated to a beautiful show.
Home to watch last night's Strictly, though we were really watching Nate show off his new skill of clapping.

Drama of the day;
Waking up in pain still.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Being headache-free now!! Hooray!
2) Having a skilled husband - he had to translate the church service into French with no notice.
3) This new Winter tradition of sunset on Sunday...a lovely time as a 4...a great way to end the weekend.

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