Blackbird CL42706

In my sixth blip back in the mists of time in October 2013  I wrote about the catching and ringing of birds that I do including an image of Fieldfare number CL42709 including the line "It is unlikely that I will ever hear about them again but fingers crossed."
Well today I  heard about Blackbird CL42706 ringed the day before the Fieldfare on 21st October 2013. It was retrapped by other ringers on Skokholm Island off Pembrokeshire on 14th November of this year, 655 km south and 1120 days later.
Blackbirds is a pretty rare breeder in Iceland so I expect this bird is a Scandinavian one that has been trapped passing through both the Western Isles and Skokholm on its way south for the Winter.
All part of helping our understanding of bird migration and showing that the Blackbirds you think live in your garden are perhaps more mobile than you might give them credit for!

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