
By HareBrain

Roland - Backblip

Early rise this morning and a long, but trouble-free, drive to Kent to say Farewell to yet another dear friend ......

Roland:  the entrepreneur, the educator, the sportsman, the traveller, the quirky humourist, the artist, the past-master at reading people and situations and then delivering that gift in cartoons, the glider pilot and the friend who finally gave up  his struggle with the loathsome dementia which robbed him of his passions and his many talents.  By the various readings which friends from all periods of R's life shared with us, Mr T being one of those recounting R's long association with gliding, it was evident that R has touched many peoples' lives along the way.

It's been a very long day with many miles travelled, (thanks to our friend M for doing ALL the driving) but all worth it to have made the journey to pay our last respects to a good man and a dear friend. 

ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz   .............

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