Reversal of Fortune

It was a winter wonderland of hard frost when I took the camera out of the door to record the scene in the Meadows at 8:30 this morning.  The grass was a carpet of iridescent crystals and the dry fallen leaves anchored to it by tiny icicles.
According to the papers with the sun up, it was -1 degree C at 9am here in Edinburgh, 7 degrees in Orkney and 8 degrees in Shetland. Quite a reversal in fortune.

His Lordship is wearing so many layers of clothing, he can hardly bend, but it was a sparkling world I guided him through as we walked to reach the Temple of Toast and feast on carrot cake for him and for me a jammy dodger of such immense dimensions that I donated half of it to him in recognition of his surviving three hours of hard walking yesterday in sub zero temperatures in the hills behind Lamington.
Yes, there were no extra rewards accrued for the benefit of staying warm while chopping, grating, cooking, cutting and sticking.... oh and leaf sweeping.

It is such a beautiful day that I might have to take advantage of the sun and wander forth again before the light goes about 3pm.

I have added an image of a beautifully frozen leaf

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