All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Ethan loves pulling all the cards out my purse and putting them back. Today he was examining them one at a time and naming them all. I was surprised at how many he got right - "zoo", "library", "Morrisons", "Tesco", "Farm" and most importantly "Toy Shop"!

We drove over to the Foreveryoung household for lunch and then she drove Ethan and Eden over to Beith as the children are going to be staying at Granny & Grandpa's house for the next 2 nights.

So what did I do with this "me time"? I hit the shops of course .... to start my Christmas shopping! Am feeling very organised now as bought loads. Was also pleased to bump into Treasure Forever and Lucinda in Sainsbury's so had a good natter and catch up with them.

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