All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


I was like the walking dead this morning, after another horrendous night with Ethan. We decided to play hard ball with him when he woke at 3am and not give in with bringing him through to our bed. But this resulted in an hour and a half of non stop screaming and tantrums from him, with me in tears too.

Still, that aside we had a good day!

My ex-colleage Mary came to visit and it was great to cach up with her as it has been far too long. Ethan was slightly cautious at first but soon decided she was his new best friend when she produced some chocolate bars for him!

He was knackered from his disrupted sleep though and refused to eat lunch. Not long before Mary left he asked to go for a sleep in his pushchair. And just kept on sleeping. For FOUR hours! I wouldn't normally let him sleep that long in the day (not that he normally would) but I was really enjoying the peace and quiet so just went with the flow!

The first thing he asked when he woke up was "Mary"? When I told him she was away home he then said "Mary's sweeties?" .... he was obviously worried she had taken the uneaten ones back home with her too haha!

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