As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Bus Ride From Hell

I woke up nice and early to finish getting ready for Foundation 2012. Foundation is a running camp upstate that a lot of kids from Long Island go to, and a few teams from other places go too. The bus that I was on left from Mepham at 10:00. Half of the bus was occupied by the Bellmore-JFK team and let's just say that they were a little bit more than just talkative. To be fair, it was really just the JFK girls, but still. I wasn't feeling too great so the bus ride wasn't enjoyable at all. We arrived around 1:30 and checked in at camp. I was in Bunk 3 again, and I'm totally okay with that. I moved all of my stuff in and met my counselors. Pat and Vinny were in the same bunk as me, Timmy was in Bunk 1, Anthony was in 5, and John was in 7. I had the best counselors ever this week; Rob, Boyd, and Butti are some of the coolest people I've ever met and I'm so happy that I got to spend this week with them as my counselors. We went for a run that was around 6 miles in the afternoon once everyone got there and took the swim test. It was supposed to be easy but it ended up being a little tougher than planned when we took a wrong turn. Coming from the south shore of Long Island, hills are not a common occurrence, so many of us took a little bit of time to adjust. After the run we all got cleaned up for dinner. This evening, we went to the Playhouse to be welcomed to camp by Frazer (not my coach, her brother-in-law). Then a Minute to Win It competition took place and that was fun to watch. We had some free time after that before curfew, so I went to the canteen with Pat, Vinny, and Timmy and we talked with Sara and Danielle, the two counselors that were on our bus up to camp.

Curfew at 10:45, lights off at 11:00.

This is Pat playing basketball.

Word of the Day: Natty - Neatly or trimly smart in dress or appearance; spruce

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