and through the wire...

By hesscat

Panic! at the Market

When I woke up this morning my legs were feeling the effects of 2 nights standing for hours on end... but we managed to get up for a swim before checking out. However this ruled out a trip to the tower due to lack of time - I am sure you shouldn't rush it.

So second on the list was a trip to Panic! at the Disco's pop up store in Camden Town, so they can try and sell you even more merch! Despite visiting London many times over the years, we'd never been, and if Ms H had not wanted to go, we would probably have missed it again.

However... what a fab place... we loved it, what a maze of different shops, stalls, freshly cooked food from wherever you could think of - I think we each had our brunch from a different place! I had not expected it to be so big and we probably didn't cover a quarter of it. We need to go back one day...

But we did spend a lot of time searching down the Panic store... until we did find it, and unsurprisingly there was a queue.... it was cold... Mrs C managed to make her excuses and find something else to do, so me and Ms H waited. What we hadn't realised, although eventually guessed, Mr Panic was inside meeting some fans, hence the queue was halted. And then he came out and walked past probably off to sound check his 2nd gig tonight. Well that was a highlight, Ms H's day made again. However the subsequent 45 minute queue to get in was the pain part of the gain.

Anyway, we headed back into town, caught some Covent Garden entertainment and food, then made a skedaddle to pick up cases and head to the airport and up, up and away off home.

So I suppose that is both our birthdays celebrated now...

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