Cause I got You , and You Got Me....
ABC of Me.
E is for Entertaining.... and obviously Eilidh....*which is Toolibelle's real name
ha ha - yes she appears twice in a row.
Tonight was a good night.
Claudia, to my Elle, was celebrating a Big Birthday today. Strangely she has now become older than me, which is a tad confusing, but am happy to accept.
Loads of people there, just happy to celebrate and have a good time, (in the words of cool and the gang);; it was great to see so many people up jigging about and enjoying the music and the company :-0
Gary Barlow was there, but by the time we left, he was rather legless, and couldn't stand up straight any more .
Tooli, was on top form.... Jees, but that child cannot handle her alcohol; however, she does have her Da wrapped around her finger, and thanks to her I got a dance from my main squeeze :-)
We left her with her mates, (Claudia's Daughter and F her Man, K and L who I totally can tell apart now)... and headed home ...
There was not a flipping taxi to be had so we had to walk home... in zero temperature, with ballet pumps on, and a shawl and a lacy dress... my poor feet.
And now we are home.... and we have to wait for the little one to appear again....
Happy Birthday Clauds... Hope you had a good one!
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