It's a must... the visit to Santa's Grotto... or Grotty.

Disappointing this year and Santa had a cool Dundonian accent!

But my son is just a gem, when Santa asked what he wanted for Christmas he just replied 'Something nice' awwwwwwwwwwwwww

Was funny before we went into see Santa as me and Kade were with Fraser and we were sitting in McDonalds and Kade asked Fraser 'Will Santa think your my Dad?' Poor Fraser didn't know where to look haha

Shai is settling in brilliantly. Doesn't bark and we left her alone for the 1st time this afternoon for 2 and a half hours and nothing was chewed or scratched when we got home.


The only problem is with her jumping up all excitable so I told Kade when we got home to ignore her till she calmed down. Worked well, now just need to get Nic to ignore her the same till she calms down...

Nic's going to be the problem as she treats her like a baby and not a dog. Telling her something like to ignore the dog at first will be a nightmare as she cant and she's took to ignoring Ace the cat and babying the dog so that Ace is feeling left out, which makes him worse with the cat...

Doed any one have a book on how to train 19 yewr old know-it-alls?

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