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Another early Spanish class, which left plenty of time for work bits in the café and even time to make a chicken pie for lunch! 
Another wet and windy day...quite nice to have this type of weather for a change!
Tonight Asha started back at D-Arte, her weekly art class...and we had a great Caña Club...we've organised this year's christmas meal - 2 of the new guys are coming too! 

This pic was snapped whilst Asha did some washing up - she thinks it's a treat!! Ha! Not sure how skilled she is at it yet, but she has plenty of time to practice!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Colours & light...particularly through these bottles...loved how they gleamed...put a smile on my face!
2) A great Spanish class - came away having felt stretched.
3) Feeling connected...both to people here and wonderful people in other places. Email is a brilliant thing!

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