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A great day - a brunch of smoked salmon & poached eggs on crumpets...then on to the salt flats to meet the Claytons for a walk. Saw flamingoes, though they were quite far away.
Then on to a lovely cafe for a bite to eat and coffee...took my 'extra' of Charlie & Sol there - C's face was because Sol had just dribbled all over his head!

Then a walk up the side of the Old Town wall - mint teas whilst sat on the wall, watching the sun set. Lovely.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Crumpets!! Han brought them with her - can't buy them here.
2) Fun with Han & the Claytons - lots of laughing today!
3) My camera - I love being able to capture moments & see beauty in things  wouldn't otherwise have seen. ie; barbed wire! loved the light on the wed...thought the wire looked like the spider in its web!

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