
This is my earthquake detector. 
If it stays silent just go back to sleep.
If it gets a bit bingy consider a small whinge or two.
If it gets really noisy…Bark like mad.

Last night we had a “bit bingy" but considering there was a 7.5 Quake several hundred Kms away up the South Island that was not at all surprising and when The B’s phones started telling them what was happening it got a bit hard to go back to sleep.

In the cold light of day there were deaths and damage…Lots of damage in an area near Kiakoura and extending to Wellington (Not much damage there) but “The Shakey Isles”  have struck again.

So once again the international media will re-discover New Zealand. I do wish we had a nicer way of attracting attention.


 Pawscript   This is a 50 year old "Big Ben" doorbell that belonged to The Boss's parents. If you come and ring the doorbell I will sing with enthusiasm. Earthquakes however get a different response.

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