I'm With HER!

Yes…This is a political statement…I mean to bark that The Bossess, nice as she is, is not always about…so it’s just good politics to make a fuss of her while she is and play on the dreaded guilt thing  and maybe…just maybe something may come of it. 
I know…Yes I do…That some grated CHEESE got left over after Tea ( the last meal…OK) last night AND it is lurking in the fridge just waiting…..so when invited on to her knee it was a no brainer….The Boss says I am very good on No Brainers ‘cos….oh forget that….well anyway here I am so…….?

AND the good thing is that if this position has negative outcomes 
(The Boss says that’s when you put the battery in backwards) I am flexible…..I can change…..

I’ll be with Him. 




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