
sorry for the lack of blips. i am safe and well in zambia and now fully back into the swing of things.

spent most of tuesday on one plane or another which was mostly dull apart from sharing a flight with the zimbabwean olympic team. i also had a random moment in dubai when i saw a girl who i used to be in college with. she was getting on the same flight as me and it turns out then she spent most of her childhood in zambia and we even had some mutual friends. small world. wednesday and thursday were spent catching up with people and work.

this afternoon i managed to get out on the bike again (since it's now our national sport) which was wonderful and then i got a happy/sad phone call to say that one of our interns was leaving town. mercy, who i am sure i've spoken much of in this blip, has been offered a job which means she will be leaving the intern scheme a few months early. sad because we will miss her enormously but happy that she is going off to do great things. hopefully her time with us will have helped her in her new life.

i chose this picture (thanks john for taking it) because of how hilarious joseph looks! what a boy!!!!!

this blip was made possible by alison, who left me some airtime on my internet stick. natotela ba'rrisoni, ninkufuluka saana.

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