
Well, so much for getting some work done! But, even though it took over three hours to get the boys to bed (and Charley still stirred and woke up crying 20 minutes after I finally escaped) there have been plenty of comedy moments and plenty to laugh about!

Today's blip is brought to you courtesy of my lovely husband who, even on the eve of his birthday, is still serving me and blessing me. He made custard for me and served up chocolate cake and custard with strawberries which I have been dreaming of while lying in bed with the boys. And yes, these are Charley's feet in the picture....

Productive day today. Got Steve's logo design almost done. That was my productiveness. Steve on the other hand - well, he's got his office! Spent all day clearing and moving and building and wiring and hoovering (yay!) and he has his office in a workable condition :D

Funny really. Steve is conditioned to working in an office. He needs an office, with a desk and chair and more specifically a door. Me on the other hand, well, my office has been described as a nest. That made me laugh so much because it totally is! Well more like a magpie's nest. All my stuff gathered around me. Totally messy, but full of my shiny precious stuff, all to hand, sort of, buried under other shiny precious stuff; no door, just enough of a barricade to stop the boys barging in all the time but still allow them access to me. Our respective offices suit us down to the ground!

But I do have a desk in the Office. For my drawings :D Which is where Steve hoped he'd find me when he got home this evening, rather than still settling children off to sleep. Hey ho.

The boys have been so funny though. Ben wanted to go to bed but Charley didn't especially, but because Steve was out I couldn't leave Charley downstairs while I put Ben to bed. So there's Ben trying to settle down, and Charley gets bored, sits up, and lunges over me to headbut Ben and make a move for the other boob which of course Ben thought was hilarious and started choking on his milk which made him laugh even more! Of course Charley thought that was funny so he did it again less than a minute later... Then they both got bored and swapped sides. Charley climbed up over my arm and back down again, up onto my chest, and dive-bombed into Ben's nether regions. Which resulted in yet more hysterical laughter....... Charley wasn't particularly happy about it, I don't think he actually meant to do that...

And then, when I'd gone back up to try and resettle Charley while Steve was fixing my pudding, Ben stretches out and starts making shooting babbling bubbling noises just like he does when he's running around in one of his manic hyper moments. The noises slow down gradually to a stop and all is still again - he's still fast asleep!

Back to the day though. Steve's productiveness was aided by me taking the boys out for the afternoon. We went to the park, twice, where Ben gave me palpitations climbing up the big climbing frame by a different route and then having climbing RACES with another boy. We hit the shops. We bought daddy a birthday present, and then had a bit of a mad dash around choosing sweets and having to find cashpoints and buying sweets and ordering and buying extension leads and random Olympic Lego figures and going to the beach and eating chocolate and saying hello to the sea and picking up groceries and getting the bus home again... where Ben nearly gave the game away, telling daddy we'd bought him a present for the present shop, me sitting next to him praying that he wouldn't be able to remember what it was we'd bought!! Bless that kid. Secrets are so not his thing!

Well it's Steve's birthday now (2 minutes past midnight) so I suppose we'd better go to bed so we can actually wake up in the morning and let Steve open his presents....

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