Bubble wrap joy!

This is the smallest man on my office floor with his newest discovery - bubblewrap! While Steve and Ben were out he grumbled quite a bit until I let him find a little box with bubblewrap in it. He went slightly crazy with it, waving it around! Thankfully it didn't taste very nice so no worries about him eating it ;)

Steve had an early morning appointment with the asthma nurse this morning so he left us in bed, still shattered after a dreadful night. Both Ben and Charley were properly unsettled all night, grumpy, clingy. Not entirely sure what caused it but it caused me to be exceedingly grumpy this morning. By the time Steve got home I'd just about cleared the table of Stuff and got breakfast going, and once I'd had my injections I was much less grumpy. So breakfast was done, Steve was sent upstairs to do some moving of Stuff in the office, we got on with Stuff downstairs. Steve went out for a meeting, we carried on, wondering if he was going to be home for lunch or not, turns out not in theory but we waited so long that he was indeed home for lunch which was quite late.

Still, while he was out I finally got my online shop up and running (or at least, the initial version of it as I think my brother might be going to help me with a more permanent affair!) and have had some really lovely encouraging feedback on it and my art already. (Just could do with a handful more sales now really....!)

This afternoon has seen the office desks finally come back into the house after three and a half years in the shed. Kind of a momentous occasion, or it should have been except the desk tops have warped!! Typical. Everything else has stayed good and flat but not the tops. Ah well. MDF has been bought but not enough, so tomorrow morning while I vacuum where the desks are to go Steve will probably be off out to the DiY store with Ben for a bit more MDF. I'm not sure how he intends to cut it to size. I HATE MDF for the sheer amount of dust it creates when being cut. Hmm. Well, we shall see....

Good to see the office kind of taking shape though. Plan is that once all the moving and fixing has been done, we sleep in there for a week and get our bedroom properly finished - it still needs two strips of wallpaper hanging, sockets filling around, and woodwork stripping and painting.

One day.

One day it will finally feel like we are on the way out of chaos.

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