Complimentary Colors

For an assignment.  And it was warm enough to sit outside and eat if you wanted to.  Today Jon gave his Opioid Awareness Speech at the high school that Sumner graduated from.  I went along for moral support and Logan did too.  We met up with some of her teachers after, - very heartwarming.  They were thrilled to have this "talk" presented to their students and the students appeared to be listening well and taking it all in. He has a young man who goes along with him as part of his recovery and community service.  Dean is 26 years old and 15 months in recovery.  He tells a very compelling story of how easy it is to make the wrong turn.  He was a nursing student and played hockey at a very high level before it all fell apart.  He tells it well and the young people really relate to him.  

"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together."
Vincent Van Gogh 

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